As such, the player can be sneaking around an outpost and suddenly take an arrow to the face and have the whole base on alert, as Hunters do not talk, and are extremely quiet. They are unique compared to other enemies in the fact that they have thier own detection system: they can see the player through foliage, and they do not have a detection meter, unlike other enemies. They are invisible on the minimap, will only remain highlighted for a brief amount of time (or as long as the effect of the hunter syringe lasts), and communicate via bird chirpings, making them hard to pin down. They also use Kukri for close range combat. They are armed with Hunter Bow and can also charm wildlife into attacking the player. They can be differentiated from common enemies by their thin layers of clothing and the hoods they don on their head. Hunter Bow and Kukri Hunters are stealthy Royal Army members who are specialized in wilderness combat.