Pkg maker tools
Pkg maker tools

scetool_parameters.txt now supports per-game custom parameters Improved the resign of EBOOT/SELF/SPRX (specially resigning system files) (thanks to smhabib) Fixed issue displaying the content ID of some PKG files The option can be enabled/disabled clicking on the big blue-icon at the top-right of the window of PKG Content ID Fixed a bug in the auto-update of PS3_System_Ver in PARAM.SFO creating new PKG or resigning a EBOOT/SELF/SPRX Fixed issue resigning games on systems that use comma as decimal separator.

pkg maker tools

**Most of the above commands are available right clicking on the file on Windows Explorer. It will ask to create a PKG with all the other self files converted to FSELF. It will ask to create a PKG with all the other self files converted to NPDRM.Ĭtrl+Shift+CAPS+ENTER on a EBOOT/SELF/SPRX file, will convert the self to FSELF (DEX).

pkg maker tools

Shift+ENTER on a EBOOT/SELF/SPRX file, will extract the unsigned ELF file (if the keys and klicensee are available).Ĭtrl+ENTER on a EBOOT/SELF/SPRX file, will resign the self file with lowest the key 0x01 for compatibility with all FW versions.Ĭtrl+Shift+ENTER on a EBOOT/SELF/SPRX file, will convert the self to FSELF for use on PS3 Development Consoles (DEX).Ĭtrl+CAPS+ENTER on a EBOOT/SELF/SPRX file, will convert the self to NPDRM (PSN). Shift+ENTER on a PKG file, will extract the content of the PKG on the same folder of the PKG.Ĭtrl+ENTER on a PKG file, will show the ContentID of the PKG and allow open it with PkgView.Ĭtrl+CAPS+ENTER on a PKG file, will repack the PKG as NPDRM (CEX).Ĭtrl+Shift+ENTER on a PKG file, will repack the PKG for PS3 Development Consoles (DEX). Keyboard Shortcuts from Windows Explorer: > The program will pass the PKG to PkgView.exe when you double click or press ENTER on a PKG.

pkg maker tools

If a copy of PkgView 1.3 () exists in the same folder of PKG_ContentID.exe : PKG files are auto-associated to PKG_ContentID.exe It can be used to verify its Title_ID, compare against RAP/edat files, etc. It's a tool for view quickly the ContentID of a PKG.

pkg maker tools

Zip archive includes self-extracting RAR archive. PS3 Tools Collection is a collection of Windows tools (over 40 of them) for PS3 which includes: DroidMAN, IRISMAN, DPS3 Edat Tool GUI, Bruteforce Edat, PSP2PS3, PS2 Classics GUI, lastGAME Customizer, Bruteforce Save Data, mmRAS, PKG ContentID, ps3gen patcher, PS3 Game Integrity, PARAM.SFO editor, PS3 File Splitter, PS3RIP, PS3_DISC.SFB edit, PS3 PSARC GUI, BruteForce/SCETool Decrypter, PS3 Cheats Editor, PS3 Game Integrity, mmTM_GUI, Create PS3_EXTRA, TXT to Links.xml, PS3 NET Server GUI, PS3 Keys, netmon and renam. PS3 Tools Collection v2.7.33 is released.

Pkg maker tools